Sunday, October 8, 2017

The Run Before The Storm -As The Days Of Moses' Pharaoh and Jeremiah's/Ezekiel's King Zedekiah, It Is A Blessing, Everything Come Out of His/Westerner's Leaders Mouth, Is A Run Signal,…/calm-before-storm-trump-remark-spa… -And I Heard In My Hearing, "I have a bear in 120 counties/Countries," the end of world government is here, God Blessed the Seventh Angel -Why doeth The World System Mystery Sit So Solitary That Was Once Full Of Kingdoms, Nations, Tribes, Tongues And People? Jesus' Millennium Reign “Fifty million will die,” 2002, said the four nations to continents in a block, Asia, America, Japan and Russia, “fifty million will die,” cried also Trump’s 2017, inauguration, as so a funeral reef, Nov. 4th date. As to calculate westernized death tolls tearing into the heavens above, thus since come America’s D-day October, 2017, I, Apostle is warning. It is that all those West of the Mid-Atlantic beware aware, remember although so obvious, Jesus warn, although we’d been forewarn, still as the days of Noah, (NOAA’s) cousin, we wouldn’t see.
-Even we wouldn’t know until many are taken out by such cataclysms, that the worse that' to happen has happen, a nuclear Kim and company, a Yellowstone eruption, a Nibiru/Carrington or here lately, a Noah (NOAA’s) cousin, all those approaching, pending extinction levels and no flesh ill stand,, now we see them, now we can't, beware, Apb, The RAM

    Seven Whole Days To Ten, An End Hath Come

     -dutchsinse prediction, Apostle's 99 bowls of Molten Lava, even that all schools be finished, (see school fall break), is not a miss, see Rev. 2:10, be, stay alert you guys. The Intrepid dream timetable, America's D-day, Come, The West Pacific, By Something Described Lately As A Noah's Cousin, Is Dec. 25th 2001 Until 190 months, Oct.7th/10th 2017, this is not a miss! Beware, Apb,

    -Seen To Be Seeing, 09/27/2017, That It Is Into The Sink, This Wash With Modern Technology, That Cataclysmic, Finishing 190 Years Of It Into Islamic/Antichrist World Rule, see more here,

Seven Whole Days, Not A Word From You, Seven Whole Days, I’m About To Be Though,

-Pastor, of course you know, I call it the 'Run before the Storm,' as is come not only America's D-day,  but it's as the days of Moses, America's exodus. Even while Clinton, Bush, Obama where in office, I told American's every time western leaders open their mouth prepare for someone's holocaust. Only presently, as the days of Moses Pharaoh, this come reaping of blood guilt sown, it's here, it's US soil, the very witnessed of the funeral reef.
     -The cataclysmic soaring into the heavens this toll on human life, as all felled victims to Western Rule's bloodletting, herein whatever they threaten is come upon them, upon you double, beware all West of the Mid-Atlantic, primed any day now, to produce, a 3 headed, 2x's Godzilla monster, again Apostle say, beware! Apb, see here, Rev. 6:12-27, see also   

    -I warn a couple days past, come America's D-day, October 2017, all those West of the Mid-Atlantic, primed as has been predicted. That's by Prophets, Scientist and prognosticators great and small, a literally portrayed by Apostles dreams, through the heavens cataclysmic toll on human life; of a funeral reef, and I head in my hearing, "fifty million will die, " even Trumps inauguration!
     -I, Apostle, want you to remember, Jesus warn even after plenty years of forewarning, still taken unaware, men wouldn't see this catastrophe this nation, this world now come, a nuclear Kim and Company. A Yellowstone Eruption, A Nibiru to a recent Noah (NOAA's), cousin and the Bride escaping simultaneously, though we been warn and warn and warn, now we see these
 life to earth enders, now we don't, beware as always, Apb, The RAM   

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