Sunday, April 30, 2017

Religion, Whoredom And Banksters, The Root Of All Evil, Get Jesus!

     -And I Heard In My Hearing, ,"get to repentant alters, God is avenging the blood of the Martyred," Apb, see

Article... Lincoln attempted to use Greenbacks as currency and was shot in the head.
-JFK printed “C-notes” which would have eventually debased the Federal Reserve Dollar and he was also shot in the head
-Hussein was selling only for Euro’s not the Petrodollar and now he’s dead
-Gaddafi was talking about a gold Dinar and not using the Petrodollar and now he’s dead.
Soon, Assad of Syria will be dead for the same reasons.
     -Soon the North Korean leadership will be dead.
Iranian leadership is selling oil for gold to Russia, China and India. Soon Iran will be invaded and their leaders will be killed with the commencement of WW III. Article...

Growing Up Under the Power of the Bankers, Articles.....

Our, God Is A God Of War, Triumphant

     -I like it that you went back and included Lincoln and JFK in the most important article ever written. Definately, it explain why Elohim laying out America's destruction, 1996, mentioned the fall first of all, of her banks, atrocities sown, atrocities reaped, God is not mocked.
     -I further noted that you discounted God, Rev. 17, thats leading world leaders as predicted from the foundation of the earth. Right into king of kings Nebuchadnezzar's dream of a stone falling from heaven destroying all nation building. Of course this was hundreds of years before Satan would offer to Jesus as a temptation, this then pending modern world.
     -Meaning he, this thieving liar had to be really sure of Himself, or he's just the epitome of foolishness. That such the artificial predatory lending would tempt Jesus into forfeiting, the woman seed into the human being's blood redemption. 
.This was some two thousand, some say three, others say five hundred years ago. Remarkably since the promise of the man in linen times, times and a half time table, sworn upon God's Throne. This prized since Daniels 70 weeks of years timetable, granted his people, crying aloud right now, to remember God, return and repent!
     -An alternate, even a come Christ predestined Cross, detour now dwindled into the two weeks and seven years granted Hussein Obama right into Cameron's pending Brexit, this gensus. Finally spinning all mankind right now into the original 70th week of Israel's continuence, of Jacob's worse troubles ever again.
     - Assuredly fulfilled as to witness Jesus' millennium follow Obama's, a proxy administration, I predicted to come, as Hussein had reign, five years prior. Undoubtedly, the predicted upon Bush new fearfactor, the Anti-christ reign is set, 2017/18-2024/25. Admittedly, this one error/era is what was described of Bush wars, this Satanic casting out of Satan, ridiculousness. 
    -Of course, when God all of sudden elevated Hussein to man's highest heights, US Pres. along the greatest of Beast rise, apparently what Westerners thought to cast down. The same can be said presently, Russia, to China allying Syria's Assad, and Jesus' reign, the handless stone, entering signaling all of their end, even Ezekiel's Hamon-Gog. 
     -All fulfilling prophecies, as Gabriel forewarn, announced here, no doubt the single proof that Elohim God truly is a God of war, America decreases, Gog and Magog rise into the greatest of Mortuary of human lives ever this planet and man
    -Evenly that of God's wrath commanding that all parents, (overseer's), be killed, again by a certain date. Concerningly with an Extinction Level Event pending, as so praise God, Jesus' Millennium. Breathtakingly, seen in all of it's glory, like an Invasion of peace on Earth, behold the Lamb of God, beware, Apb, The RAM, also see,


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